Ende Januar/Anfang Februar bekam ich meinen IBM/Lenovo X60s und habe natürlich gleich ein “richtiges” Betriebssystem darauf installiert. Natürlich mit dem Hintergedanken, die XP Lizenz trotzdem zu nutzen, jedoch nur auf einer 10GB Partition am Ende der Platte und ohne den ganzen vorinstallierten Kram.
Dummerweise hat da MS und Lenovo was tolles ausgeheckt um diesen Plan zu vereiteln. (Was jedoch nicht bedeutet, das es unmöglich ist. Im folgenden wird eine Möglichkeit aufgezeigt.
today I upgraded my server from Feisty to Gutsy and than again from Gutsy to Hardy.
Problems? Only one. dmesg was spamed with the following:
device-mapper: ioctl: error adding target to table device-mapper: table: 254:1: linear: dm-linear: Device lookup failed The bug is known in launchpad: Launchpad-Link
To solve this, simply remove evms:
sudo apt-get remove evms Bye Sven
Hi there,
guess you have a python file, filled up with tabstops and now someone comes in and tells you, that tabstops are uncool and overall indenting should only use 4 spaces.
With vim no problem:
:set tabstop=4 :set expandtab :retab Done! Greetings to PhiBo ;-)
Bye Sven
Hi there,
today I tried to install OCS Inventory - an Open-Source tool for inventoring your PCs with mostly all data they provide. It took some time to figure out how to install the server in Scientific Linux 5, but after all - I got it ;-) For the clients I found a nice source-rpm which I can easily deploy via my rpm-repo and pdsh (parallel distributed shell). The client itself reports once a day to the server about its collected data.
as seen at my pal Philipp, I also wanted to see the current battery power in the bash prompt. So here is a script which works fine on my X60s.
#!/bin/bash REMAIN=`grep "remaining capacity" /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/state | sed 's/remaining capacity:\(.*\)mWh/\1/'` FULL=`grep "last full capacity" /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/info | sed 's/last full capacity:\(.*\)mWh/\1/'` echo $[ $REMAIN * 100 / $FULL ]`</blockquote> Just save it for example in your home directory as bat.sh and make it executable with chmod +x bat.
Hi there,
I just red an article on the german website heise.de about hacking Canon Digital Cameras. The project is called CHDK. Sounds really interesting to enhance the features of a standard camera. The only problem… I have a Casio ;-)
Bye Sven
just run the following and enjoy the movie in ASCII art (its Star Wars…):
telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl Bye Sven
.notice{padding:18px;line-height:24px;margin-bottom:24px;border-radius:4px;color:#444;background:#e7f2fa}.notice p:last-child{margin-bottom:0}.notice-title{margin:-18px -18px 12px;padding:4px 18px;border-radius:4px 4px 0 0;font-weight:700;color:#fff;background:#6ab0de}.notice.warning .notice-title{background:rgba(217,83,79,.9)}.notice.warning{background:#fae2e2}.notice.info .notice-title{background:#f0b37e}.notice.info{background:#fff2db}.notice.note .notice-title{background:#6ab0de}.notice.note{background:#e7f2fA}.notice.tip .notice-title{background:rgba(92,184,92,.8)}.notice.tip{background:#e6f9e6}.icon-notice{display:inline-flex;align-self:center;margin-right:8px}.icon-notice img,.icon-notice svg{height:1em;width:1em;fill:currentColor}.icon-notice img,.icon-notice.baseline svg{top:0.125em;position:relative} Anmerkung
Update: Pete hat mir geschrieben das es eine neue Version für den Firefox 3.x gibt. Die Doku dazu gibts bei Sipgate und das Add-On dann über die Mozilla Seite.
vorweg: der Support von Sipgate ist wirklich fix. Anfrage 10:09 Uhr via Webinterface gestellt, 10:12 Uhr kam die Antwort.
Leider jedoch eine negative.
es hat mich etwas Zeit und Muehe gekostet, das GXP 1200 mit T-Online zum Funktionieren zu bewegen. Dank des VoIP Forums und Nutzer lango hat es schlussendlich geklappt.
Hier meine Einstellungen:
Account active: yes Account name: Telekom SIP Server: tel.t-online.de Outbound proxy: (leer) SIP User ID: (T-Online Telnr... 032xxxxxxxx) Authenticate ID: (bei mir der erste Teil der Emailadresse vorm @) Authenticate Password: (T-Online SIP Passwort) Name: (T-Online Telnr... 032xxxxxxxx) Use DNS Srv: Yes User ID is Phone Nr: No SIP Registration: Yes Unregister on Reboot: Yes Register Expiration: 15 local SIP Port: 5070 SIP Registration Failure Retry Wait Time: 20 SIP T1 Timeout: 1 sec SIP T2 Interval: 4 sec SIP Transport: UDP Use RFC3581 Symmetric Routing: No NAT Traversal (STUN): Yes Subscribe for MWI: No PUBLISH for Presence: No Proxy-Require: (leer) Voice Mail UserID: (leer) Send DTMF: via RTP (RFC2833) Early Dial: No Dial Plan Prefix: (leer) Delayed Call Forward Wait Time: 20 Enable Call Features: Yes Cal Log: Log all Calls Session Expiration: 180 Min-SE: 90 Caller Request-Timer: No Callee Request-Timer: No Force Timer: No UAC Specify Refresher: Omit UAS Specify Refresher: UAC Force INVITE: No Enable 100rel: No Account Ring Tone: system ring tone Send Anonymous: No Anonymous Method: Use From Header Anonymous Call Rejection: No Auto Answer: No Allow Auto Answer By Call-Info: No Turn off speaker on remote disconnect: No Check SIP User ID for INVITE: No Refer-To Use Target Contact: No Disable Multi Media Attribute in SDP: No Prefered Vocoder: 1.
Hi there,
this (easter) weekend, I had to fiddle around with an Asus WLAN router, a 56k modem (yes, in Germany we have places without DSL or similar things) and OpenWrt. And what should I say? It works! Thanks to OpenWrt.First of all, you need some packages which you can install with ipkg on the router: chat, ppp, various usb modules (see openwrt wiki for details) and the usb-serial module.